Filtering in optics
Interference and Diffraction
Filtering in optics
First of all, we review the used systems to spatially create the optical waves as well as an example illustrating the techniques capable to modify the luminous transmission in real time, by an optical or electronic command. Then, and in the second part of this grain, we will address the general domain of the treatment of the information and more particularly that achieved by an optical means. Diverse applications are proposed: Zernicke filtration, convolution by an optical path, recognition of forms, matrix-vector multiplication...Such applications rest on the amplitude of the optical systems to submit the general linear transformations to the entry givens.
Course written by: Georges BOUDEBS
spatial filtration, frequency spectrum, Fourier plan, convolution by an optical path,
Course licence - copyright (c) 2007 - Author(s): Georges BOUDEBS - - Design & production: SCIRN-PRN - Université du Maine