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Université du Maine Université du Maine provides an excellent academic atmosphere in pleasant surroundings with well-equipped facilities, a spacious and functional library, digital technology work stations, excellent sport and leisure facilities and a dedicated student life area (under construction). Course and research work is available at all levels (Bachelors, Masters degrees and PhDs); 7 research teams associated with the CNRS guarantee the high standards of academic work at the university Go to the site |
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ENSIM - Université du Maine Founded in 1995, École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs du Mans runs a 3-year Engineering course with a speciality in Vibration, Acoustics and Sensors. A computer science course opened in 2008. ENSIM has excellent research laboratories with state of the art facilities including a cleanroom, and optics, vibroacoustics and plasmas laboratories. ENSIM provides its students with academic and professional international exchange opportunities under the Brafitec, Erasmus ou ISEP schemes Go to the site |
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Institut d'optique Institut d’Optique Graduate School is one of the ParisTech schools. In terms of graduates it is the largest establishment in the Western world devoted to the training of Optical Engineers and Master’s degrees in Optics by research. Study abroad is encouraged and a number of international students are accepted each year on double-degree programmes. The course content includes a high proportion of practical and experimental work. There are three study paths: the traditional optical engineering course; a sandwich (or cooperative) course and an Innovation and Entrepreneurship path for students contemplating starting their own company Go to the site |
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Université Jean Monnet Université Jean Monnet is a pluridisciplinary establishment that provides 320 courses to 14000 students and 6000 students involved in continuing or life-long education. There are 31 research groups with 810 full-time staff engaged in research and teaching. The university has a strong international outlook and coordinates two Erasmus Mundus Masters courses MACLANDS (MAster of Cultural LANDscapes) and CIMET (Color in Informatics and Media Technology). It strives to promote and establish clusters of excellence either by setting them (Pôle Optique et Vision/Optics and Vision cluster) up by actively participating (Pôle des technologies médicales/Medical technologies cluster) Go to the site |
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Ecole des mines de Nantes Ecole des Mines de Nantes (EMN) was founded in 1990 by the Ministry of Industry with the support of local authorities, to train engineers and researchers for the development of industry. Its students spend 15 months in industry (40% of total education) engaged in research activities and internships. EMN prepares its students for the international scene and has a network of 40 technical universities and schools of engineering all around the world, including the USA, Mexico, Colombia, India, China and Europe Go to the site |
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IUT de Saint Etienne IUT de Saint Etienne [University Institute for Technology] has 3 departments for tertiary education and 3 departments for secondary technical education allowing secondary school leavers with general and technical qualifications to undertake high-quality bridging courses that guide them towards the DUT qualification and further (Bachelors, Masters and Engineering qualifications) in technical fields. There is a wide choice of options, allowing students to take well balanced courses with a good cultural background leading to degrees with sound technological content. Go to the site |
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Université d'Angers Université d’Angers has approximately 18,000 students in 8 units. The university proposes a wide range of courses covering most major sectors of employment. Its courses are constantly developing to cater for demand coming from students and the industrial sector thus giving the students the best possible opportunities for a rapid integration into the professional world. The university is committed to dynamic pedagogical change (new educational technologies) and provides its students with innovative on-line services and an up to date digital work environment. Go to the site |
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Université de Rouen Situated in the heart of Normandy, Université de Rouen strives to adapt the range of courses provided to correspond to real needs, develop research activities of the future and guide students to their future career. The Faculty of Sciences and Technology provides delivers both general and professionally-oriented as well as research qualification on its 3 sites at Mont-Saint-Aignan, Le Madrillet and Evreux. The training is supported by the research activities of its 13 research laboratories of national importance. Go to the site |
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Ecole des Mines d'Albi École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux is a Grande Ecole of Engineering placed under the auspices of the Ministry of Economics, Finance and Employment. It is one of the Schools of the Groupe des Écoles des Mines (GEM) network, which has a long and distinguished history training managers for the development of industry and the services. It trains engineers for all sectors, and its research activities concentrate on process engineering, shaping materials and industrial engineering. Since its creation in 1993, 1350 students of engineering have graduated from the school, 150 doctoral theses have been defended and no fewer than 11 companies have been created. Go to the site |
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Université Paris 13 Nord Université Paris 13 is one of the 13 universities created after the Sorbonne was restructured in 1968. With approximately 22,000 students UP13 is a pluridisciplinary university and a major teaching and research centre to the north of Paris. The pure and theoretical sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science) form part of the Institut Galilée which has 8 research laboratories including a Laser Physics Laboratory in Optical sciences and a School of Engineering (Sup'Galilée) Go to the site |
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Ecole des Mines d'Alès 180 students graduate each year from Ecole des Mines d’Alès all prepared to cater for the needs of the civil engineering sector and in particular the fields of new materials production engineering and the industrial environment. Innovative forms of pedagogy provide a strong background in science and technology and encourage students to develop entrepreneurial skills and become managers in engineering sectors. The school also provides specialist training in new information and computer technologies and in environmental sciences. Go to the site |
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Ecole polytechnique féminine Ecole Polytechnique Féminine was founded in 1925 and became a co-educational establishment in 1994 when it became known as EPF. All its qualifications and awards are recognized by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs. It trains engineers for all sectors of industry in 5 years; the course is divided into two parts: a general cycle and a more advanced cycle with areas of specialization in Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Business and Financial Engineering, Structural Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering, Management of Information and Communication Technologies, Industrial Engineering and Logistics, Biosystems Engineering Go to the site |
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Telecom - Sainte-Etienne TELECOM Saint-Étienne, is a Grande Ecole of Engineering that trains engineers for all sectors of the information and communication technology industry: software engineering, networks, telecommunications engineering, information system and computer security, electronics, embedded systems / onboard systems, optics, lasers, digital images, virtual reality, contactless control devices. The School is fully integrated in a thriving economic sector that includes the Rhône-Alpes Optics centre of excellence with over 150 researchers involved in TELECOM Saint Etienne activities and numerous patents filed each year Go to the site |